
Aspects of the 64 Cosmograms

Quiddities and Vitalities of the Cosmograms

Comprising of 16 categories made from four quiddities and four vitalities

Quiddities (Fluid, Lucid, Vivid, Hybrid)

The quiddities, as in the inherent nature of each of the 64 cosmograms, are the most defining aspect of them, separating one cosmogram from another by the sheer quality it has. Having the features of flow or ebb and order or disorder, each of the four quiddities have an entirely different from any other one, with the exception of the hybrid quiddity, which may exhibit some of the qualities of the other three yet still has its own characteristics.

Fluid (Flowing Order)

Vivid (Ebbing Order)

Lucid (Flowing Disorder)

Hybrid (Ebbing Disorder)

The 4 Quiddities

Fluid (Flowing Order)

Out of the four quiddities, flowing order makes up the harmony and synchrony with the other cosmograms. Where there is fluidity, there is structural consistency and stability in what they make up. With this structure, there is also space for persistence through time and durability. Fluidity could be considered as the backbone of any experience or phenomena even if it goes by unnoticed, for when things go as they should, it is not out of order and moves along in the world and our perception rather fluidly.

A fluid nature is much like that of water in the sense that liquidity is an emergent phenomenon which roughly relates to our conscious experiences. As separate phenomenal senses added together into a whole, they create a metaphorical liquidity of the mind just like individual molecules make up the properties of water. To extend the metaphor a bit further, each of our separate conscious experiences make up a single drop of water in an ocean of consciousness. This ocean could be considered as the collective conscious which is trying to emerge from each of the droplets or as our own complete conscious experience in any one moment.

Vivid (Ebbing Order)

The vivid quiddity behind each cosmogram is like a primitive feeling or emotion anything could experience. A certain loss of order can lead to a perturbed state of where things can start to have a noticeable difference of where there once was order. As it ebbs the ordered states can start to open up to the reorganization of a previously harmonious state. With there being an opening of what was encapsulated, new features may emerge and a feeling may come about.

When there is an ebb of order, there is an awareness of there previously being so, which leads to a kind of state of reflection on the previously harmonious one. This reflection happens from the disturbance of order yet still having order to it. Leading in to a disordered one, this is a state where the drops of consciousness gains more awareness and insight into what things were like in the more ordered state and adds an element of feelings and emotions to our experiences. These feelings and emotions are in their most basic form but with a countless overlapping of these all, add to complex feelings and emotions we experience in our day to day conscious lives and may either be more positive or negative.

Lucid (Flowing Disorder)

Where a novelty of properties starts to show up in a given system of many cosmograms. Much like memory or reflection on the past, with disorder comes the opportunity for recollection of previous states of where there once was order. As an in-between state, until an order comes around again comes the potential for newer and perhaps better, improved upon states to emerge when it does. As a cycle that repeats however often, the disorder in the cycle allows for adding more to it.

Quite like a mental image of something, the imagination, or a quick memory of something just seen, this quiddity retains the come and gone order that occurred beforehand. Where there is disorder, there is an order in relation to it. The contrast of the two can lead to a sensory gathering state of mind to search for either the previous order, or an entirely new and emergent order. This allows for an evolving mind that, when not overly disordered can return to order with new potential knowledge. It may come to us the mode of anxiety, and when encountered in the mind, can be unnerving to experience yet still part of a larger process where it has its potential to be integrated and reflected upon.

Hybrid (Ebbing Disorder)

With an ebb of disorder but before the order gets restored is the hybrid state. Taking on aspects of all three other quiddities, ebbing disorder can exhibit itself as uncertainty. Never quite fully chaos but also not ordered, there is much that would be unknown of this quiddities qualities. But in the process of ebbing comes the emergence of the features of these unknown qualities to take shape from their uncertain nature. Out of near chaos comes the most to yield.

Before order is restored, there is much to be processed and integrated from the disorder. The return to order is the end of the integration process and to us are much like the thoughts of our minds. Our thoughts try making sense of previous experiences of the other quiddities through an intellect, but may appear elsewhere, in the world, as our objective being in the world. To ebb disorder is to bring about more and more from the darkness into the light the experience, awareness and imagery that is in ourselves and in the world or cosmic ocean at large.

Vitalities (Actuality, Ability, Capacity, Virtuality)

The four variations of vitality are respective to how the cosmograms appear to be, in how they exist and in how they exhibit what could be true or actually real to false or virtually real. Each one is a step either closer to or further away from a real existence. Also, in how they appear to be, the cosmograms are never entirely non-existent, but rather of varying degrees of interaction with the other cosmograms. On one end, they may be deemed to be as real as an object, whereon the other end, they may be merely a hazy dream of an idea. A cosmogram's vitality is makes it a thing in the cosmic ocean.


(Calm Wholeness)


(Rough Wholeness)


(Calm Emptiness)


(Rough Emptiness)

The 4 Vitalities

Actuality (Calm Wholeness)

Actuality is the most compelling vitality of the four. It is what is considered to be what is real, solid, and objective in the world, although not necessarily true. Anything vitally drawn towards actuality is rather pragmatic and prudent in the world as actuality is something more tangible than anything else. That is because with a calm wholeness, there is a stability to whatever may fit into what is tangible and can be relied upon.

Strictly speaking - what is. The most concrete of the vitalities is the one that is most true in the objective world, our subjective experience and the fusion of the two. What we know to be true and real is also actual and exists as something that is rather something that could be. Actuality being what there really is accounts for the all the data we can make sense of and confirm from multiple perspectives. Any one perspective may or may not be a complete picture of the actual object or subject experience, but may still be said to have truth and could be verifiable.

Ability (Rough Wholeness)

What any cosmogram is capable of achieving through its interactions with other cosmograms. Depending on the appended quiddity, this vitality of ability may be in a fugue state between actuality and virtuality, along with capability. It is what can be rather than what is to be. Less tangible than the prior, there is less rigidness and more malleable to anything that falls into or exhibits this vitality. Something that has the ability to be true could perhaps said to be close to truth, but not quite verifiable.

Things that have a physical aspect, yet is not quite entirely whole in its scope, this vitality has to do somewhat with how our minds interact with objects in the world. The interaction of the two is where there can be a manipulation of this vitality to make it either more or less vital or real and true. Being something changeable and malleable, it allows for a selection of where to go next in a process, to allow for forms, as well as thoughts, to be extracted or retracted. To be able to be open to change, there must be the ability for something to become something else.

Capacity (Calm Emptiness)

Being of emptiness, this vitality is also of something that isn't quite fully attained, but is capable of potentially becoming. Nearer to virtuality, this aspect of some cosmograms is something that is more of a mental concept or idea rather than something external in the world around us. Anything that is capable of existing however, may possibly be said to be real, at least in some minor sense. Anything capable of having vitality could be said to be in a state of becoming rather than being.

Not having an a certain physical substance, there comes the potential for there to be something in the future to occupy an empty space. The capacity for something to potentially be. Closer to thought forms than the ability vitality, there can be many overlapping capacities that lead to what could be if it was given substance or acquired more substance. When there is a void, there is a chance for that void to fill. This makes it a dynamic, ever changing and evolving future of things that could be rather than what is already there.

Virtuality (Rough Emptiness)

Considerably the most unreal of the vitalities, yet still being a part of the cosmic ocean, even if it is in the outer limits of perceptibility. The rough aspect of this one makes for any communication of the virtual seem otherworldly or delusional in some way. Although existent, whatever may be of this virtual vitality may seem not to be veridical. It may also cause upset or confusion if not applied with care, as if there is little to no truth to something virtually existent, there may be no way to verify or confirm what could perhaps one day be.

Kind of like a dream one can have. This is where there is no real content to be found and where objects are not present. The lack of substance or content means that there is no real effect this may have on daily life, but are still important to be aware of. The dreamlike nature to the virtuality is mostly unconscious and doesn't make an impact, but can still steer us in certain directions.

Modes of the 64 Cosmograms

The modes allow for each category to have or exhibit a specific function in relation to any other mode another cosmogram may have.

Responsive Modes (Active, Passive, Receptive, Reactive)

The four responsive modes are how a process interacts with other stages in such a process. They are the causes and effects, but also what occurs between an initial cause and the following effect.

Active (Towards Outward)

The active mode a cosmogram may exhibit may be seen as a causal factor or as an antecedent to the other responsive modes, the material cause. Leading up to or transmuting into either a passive and receptive mode after the initial causal activity, when something moves towards something external to itself, it could be said that it is the initial activity that is the active force behind any subsequent mode. Not necessarily the first cause in anything, the active mode is the mode of any category of functioning that drives most of the action behind it.

Passive (Away from Outward)

The passive mode a cosmogram may exhibit may also be considered as an intermediary step between an initial cause and the effect afterward, the formal cause. As an in-between state of cause and effect, along with the receptive mode as well, these modes are like the input from the active being processed before there is a decision or reactive output is made. The passive differs from the receptive in that the passive mode is more a direct and opposite consequence of the active and isn’t necessarily passive, but yields to what an active occurrence may be doing. The passive mode takes the path of least resistance and is more directed towards efficiency rather than efficacy.

Receptive (Towards Inward)

The receptive mode of a cosmogram may exhibit a quality akin to gathering information before a reaction occurs, the efficient cause. Similar to the passive mode, it is also an intermediary step between a so-called cause and its effect, except for here, the receptive takes in what is occurring in the active and is the decider as to the subsequent reaction. The receptive, more directed towards efficacy over efficiency, lays itself out as the counterpoint to the passive mode. Both the receptive and passive are neither a cause nor an effect, but guide a cause towards a specific desired effect.

Reactive (Away from Inward)

The reactive mode of a cosmogram is the effect an active mode attempts to achieve, the final cause. The active and reactive are in opposition not as either an actual cause or effect, but it is the reactive that opposes the active in the sense that it is a coincidental opposite of the action and may be considered as complimentary to the active mode. Any reaction that occurs is the result of a sequential process from the active to the passive and receptive and then to the reactive. The whole process is never fully complete though, as when a process from action to reaction occurs in a single moment, they lead directly into another process of action to reaction.

Aspects as Jungian Cognitive Functions